PVSF Reach for the Sky Encouragement Award
The Reach for the Sky Encouragement Award will be awarded to a child aged between 6 to 12 years of age who resides, or is a member of a sporting organisation, that is located within the Penrith Local Government Area.
The Nominee that the committee feels best fits the criteria of Showing Promise, Displaying Enthusiasm, Dedication to their sport and Good Sportsmanship will be selected as the award winner.
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Email address of Person Nominating *
Nomination for the month of *
Name of Nominee *
Nominees Date of Birth *
Nominees Address *
Nominees Contact Number 1 *
Nominees Contact Number 2
Sporting details of Nominee *
Nominees most recent Outstanding Performance *
Please describe how the nominee fits the criteria of this award (Showing Promise, Displaying Enthusiasm, Dedication to their sport and Good Sportsmanship) *
Nominators Name *
Relation To Nominee/Position in Organisation *
Nominators Contact Number *
Disclaimer *
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