Roboethics Competition 2021 Team Forming Application
Open Roboethics Institute will help engage competitors and the public throughout the 2021 RO-MAN roboethics competition. Are you looking for teammates to participate in the Roboethics Competition? If so, you are at the right place. We can help recruit potential teammates for you with complimentary skillsets. Please fill out the information in this form so that we can help you find potential teammate(s).

DISCLAIMER: As part of the team forming process, we will share your email address and the information you provide in this form with your matched teammates.
Email *
What is your name? *
What is your current time zone? (ex. PST, EST, etc.) *
What is your educational background? *
If you are a student, what stage best describes your current educational standing? *
If you are working full time, which one of the following best describes you? *
How would you rate your technical skills (i.e. programming) when it comes to working with robotic platforms? *
No technical skills
Highly competent
How would you rate your knowledge and skills in philosophy and ethics? *
No background
Highly competent
How would you rate your knowledge and skills in science and technology studies? *
No background
Highly competent
How would you rate your knowledge and skills in psychology? *
No background
Highly competent
What complementary skills are you looking for in your teammates for this competition? You can rank from the most to least desired skill *
Technical skills particularly in programming
Background and knowledge in ethics and philosophy, science and technology studies, and psychology
Communication skills (i.e. writing and presenting)
Is there anything else that you would like to tell us before we go ahead and match you with potential team members for the R2D2 competition? *
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This form was created inside of Open Roboethics initiative.