JtM National Training Program for Canadian Youths: Application Form for CFC Subsidy   
This is an Application Form for CFC Subsidy towards the tuition for the JtM National Training Program for Canadian Youths as sanctioned by Chess Federation of Canada (CFC). 

Deadline for Application Form Submission: July 25, 2024

The CFC will provide a $500 subsidy to a select few Junior Players to pay for a portion of the tuition for the National Youth Training Program provided by the Juniors to Masters Chess Academy (JtM). Successful Applicants will receive the $500 CFC subsidy and will be responsible to pay the remaining portion of their tuition, i.e., pay $500 + GST/HST.

Term covers 16 group training session during September to December 2024.
- Skype recordings will be made available if at all possible so that those who miss a group session due to a chess tournament will not miss out on the great learning.

FORMAT: Weekly online group training:  Master Lecture (1.5 hrs.) + Training Games (approx.1 hr.).

Successful applicants will be notified in August 2024.

If you have any questions, email us at: jtmchessacademy@gmail.com

Thank you!

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Student's Full Name *
Grade and Age *
Mailing Address (include Province) *
What is your Chess.com username? *
What is your lichess.org username? *
What is your Chessable username? *
Skype Name (used for Group Training Sessions) *
Name of Legal Guardian(s) and Relationship to Student (e.g., Mother, Father, Legal Guardian).  Enter "Not Applicable" if Student is over 18 years old. *
Email Address *
Emergency Cell Phone# (should be able to receive text messages) *
Ratings and ID#: CFC, FIDE, USCF, Other *
Student and Legal Guardians: Please read our Acknowledgement, Waiver, and Consent and indicate your acceptance below, as applicable: https://juniorstomasters.site123.me/acknowledgment-waiver-and-consent *
Student and Legal Guardians: Please read our JtM Policies: https://juniorstomasters.site123.me/juniors-to-masters-chess-academy-policies *
Describe your chess journey. *
Which tournaments have you attended previously?
What is your future plan for your chess? Pls. include  what your next chess goals are. In the short time (this year) and the long term (3-5 years).
Briefly describe your plan that will help you attain your chess goal(s), i.e., what steps are you taking to help you work towards achieving your chess goal(s). *
Why do you want to attend this National Training Program for Canadian Youths?
Please share anything else that would help us better understand more about you and the decisions that you have made, as a Chess Player and as a Member of the Canadian Chess Community.
Will you commit to working at least 10-15 hrs. per week on your chess studies (self-study)? *
Are you currently taking group or private chess lessons?  If yes, with whom? What are you learning from those lessons? *
Which chess books are you reading right now? How many pages/chapters do you read per week? *
Do you have an opening database; how often do you studying your repertoire? *
Do you know how to properly annotate your games? If yes, pls. describe how you annotate your games. Why is it important to self-analyze your games? *
How many hours per week do you spend on chess activities? Pls. specifically list them and the time you spend on each chess activity. *
How many mins per day do you do tactics? What % do you get correct; and do you review the solution when you get the problem wrong? *
What do you think you need help with/to know to get to the next level? Why do you think that? *
Please describe your routine when you prepare for an opponent. *
Which OTB chess club are you attending? Pls. describe  if you are playing rated games, the time control, etc. How often do you attend the chess club? *
Which tournaments are you planning to play in the next 6 months? Pls. list tournament names and dates. *
Which international tournaments are you planning to attend? e.g., WYCC, WCCC, Pan AM YCC, NAYCC, etc. *
Which time slots work for you? IMPORTANT: Select all that apply. *
If you specified "Other Times", pls. list your Other Available Days and Times *
To help us when planning any special JtM events, state which days of the week and the time range that you are available, e.g., I am available M-F after 4pm EST, and all day Sats and Suns. *
Are you planning to compete in the 2025 CYCC and/or 2025 Canadian Open in Surrey, BC? *
Where did you hear about our JtM National Training Program? *
I want to receive your Newsletter, notification of upcoming JtM Events *
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