The OBC Wine Project Winery Rental Request

We are able to host group sizes up to 50 inside the taproom and 75 outside. Rentals do not include wine or tours. Please complete the form for availability and pricing. You are welcome to bring your own food, however, no outside alcohol is permitted. Beer is not permitted inside the winery, but is allowed on the patio. 

In addition to rentals, large group (12+) reservations are accepted during business hours and are charged a wine minimum + tax and gratuity. Please complete the form for availability and pricing.

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Email *
Please provide your name. *
Please provide your phone number. *
Tell us about your event. *
What is the name of your organization, if applicable? *
What date are you hoping for? *
What time would you like your event to begin? *
What time would you like your event to end? *
Our room fits 50 people inside comfortably, how many are you expecting? *
Event Budget (estimated)  *
Do you have a budget in mind? 
Are you planning to bring outside food for your guests? *
How did you hear about us?  *
Are you a nonprofit? Please enter your EIN below!
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