2024 C3HUU Church Picnic RSVP
Please join us for an evening of fun and fellowship!

Saturday, September 7th, 2024
New Hope Camp & Conference Center
4805 N. Carolina 86 Chapel Hill, NC 27514
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
~Rain or Shine~

New Hope Camp is located about twenty minutes north of our church on Hwy 86. It is a lovely wooded setting with covered eating space, nearby bathrooms and plenty of parking -- all of which are wheelchair accessible. There are soccer goals, volleyball nets, and playgrounds nearby. Bring balls, frisbees, jump ropes and/or hula hoops. Consider bringing a chair for ample elbow-room, post-dinner visiting and/or campfire watching. Please plan to bring a dish to share along with your own drinks (ice water provided). After dinner we will have group games: balloon squeeze, spoon races, sack races, three-legged races, tug-of-war, and more.

Please fill out the form below to let us know who is coming, what food you are bringing to share, and how you might be able to help.

5:00 Arrive
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Games
7:00 Campfire

Please email fellowship.c3huu@gmail.com, or call DeeDee Lavinder at 919-761-4016, if you have any questions or help is needed.

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Name/s *
Email *
How many people 10 years old or younger in your party? *
How many people over the age of 10 in your party? *
Your contribution to our shared Potluck Meal: *
Please consider volunteering to help make our picnic run smoothly.  Many hands make light work!
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