YMCA of Bucks and Hunterdon Counties Counselor In Training Application
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Thank you for your interest in our Counselor in Training Program!
At the YMCA we take the Counselor in Training Program very seriously. You along with your fellow CIT’s and camp staff are responsible for the most important element at camp. YOU are RESPONSIBLE for the care, safety and welfare of a child.

We will train you and give you the tools you need to become a great counselor. You will be the one who determines what to do with these tools. Whether you have been a camper before or this is your first experience with us we believe that you have the potential to someday lead our camps. Several CIT’s get accepted into the program but only the very best get to be counselors one day. Everything you do from how you fill out your application, how you to how you behave and interact with fellow CIT’s, staff, parents, and campers is always being reviewed.

Please understand that if you are accepted into the YMCA CIT Program you are no longer a general camper. This means that from the moment you accept this position you will always need to be a positive role model at camp, at the YMCA and in public (including personal websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and or Snapchat). When you become a CIT you are a representative of the YMCA. Children of all age that meet you at camp will look up to you on and off the job.

At camp you will work with fellow CIT’s planning and implementing activities for camp groups. Your CIT Leadership staff will guide you through all facets of your CIT experience. As stated above we have very high expectations of our CIT’s. Please be sure that you are mature enough to be a CIT and have the aspiration to succeed in developing children.

Once we receive your application it will be reviewed by a staff team. When we see that your application is genuine (completed by you not someone else), honest and well thought out you will be invited to take part in the CIT program. You will be required to attend a pre-camp training. Once accepted the training options will be sent to you.

Our first point of contact will be through email. Please make sure that the email noted on the application is active and accessed regularly.
Will you be in grades 8 or 9 as of September 2024? *
We ask that CIT candidates complete the CIT application themselves, rather than parents or guardians completing it. Are you a hopeful CIT completing this application yourself? *
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