Professional Membership Application

This form is solely for the purpose of applying to become a member of the Hong Kong International Music Culture Development Association, and will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you for your cooperation!

By filling out the information below, you agree to become a member of the Hong Kong International Music Culture Association.

membership fee:HKD$520 (2 years)

contact us: +852 59396092(whatsapp)
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Email *
Chinese name (if any):
English name:
Date of Birth: 
Contact number:
Work organization or company name:
Contact address:
Educational qualifications:
Music related resume:
Specializes in music fields:
Activities that you would like to cooperate with or are interested in:
Member resume (optional)

We will create personalized profiles for our members to be used for various business matchmaking or collaboration purposes. If you are interested in participating in performances or business partnerships, please provide the following information so that we can create a personal profile card for matching purposes.

  1. Personal professional photo
  2. Personal introduction
  3. Current music industry job titles (e.g. XXX Instrument Instructor, XXX Instrument Performer, Music Institution Principal/Director, etc.)
  4. Instruments you specialize in
  5. Performance style (please describe in detail)
  6. Teaching subjects (if applicable)
  7. Music education/diplomas (if applicable)

Please provide the above information and email it to
Email subject: "Member Profile Update: Your Name"

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