LEH COVID-19 Impacts Survey for Cultural Organizations
This survey is designed to collect information about the financial and human impacts that
coronavirus has had on Louisiana-based cultural organizations. The survey also collects basic information about participating organizations so that the data can be parsed by specific geographic regions, cultural disciplines, and budget categories. Please complete this confidential survey to help the LEH shape our response to cultural organizations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Email *
First and Last Name
Job Title
Organization Name
Organization's Street Address
Organization's City
Organization's Zip Code
Organization's Parish
Organization's Legal Status
Organization Type (Select all applicable.) If you select "other," please specify your organization type.
Estimated Annual Audience Reach (For example, if you are a museum, please include your annual attendance figure. If you're an archive, tell us how many patrons you serve online and in person.)
Do you have a DUNS number?
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Do you have a SAM.gov account?
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What is your annual operating budget?
How many program-related individual events, exhibitions, workshops, or classes do you anticipate cancelling due to the current public health crisis?
What is the total estimated dollar value of lost revenue due to these cancellations?
If you have a facility that is typically open to the public that is now closed, what is the estimated cost of maintaining the unused facilities (rent, mortgage, utilities, security services, etc.) per month?
If you have cancelled any in-person fundraising events or activities through the end of June, what is the total estimated loss of donations?
Number of full-time staff (pre-COVID-19)?
How many part-time employees work at your organization (pre-COVID-19)?
If your organization has laid off or furloughed staff due to the current crisis, please indicate how many. (Enter as a number.)
Does your organization anticipate temporary or permanent reductions in staff, and if so, how many? (Enter as a number.)
How has the COVID-19 public health crisis affected your organization and your work? (3,000 characters max.)
How could LEH emergency funding help your organization adapt to this new environment?
Please share an anecdote about how the pandemic has affected your work as a humanities professional. We will in turn use these statements to guide our emergency relief efforts and to communicate to policymakers and donors the importance of organizations like yours.
On a scale of 1 to 5, with five being the highest, rank your understanding of the CARES Act and its applicability to your cultural organization.
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Would you like to receive the LEH e-newsletter to stay up to date on the LEH and funding opportunities?
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