EUROCHAM Malaysia - Talent Survey
Dear Esteemed Members of EUROCHAM Malaysia and Bilateral/Associate Chambers,

We are conducting this comprehensive survey to gain a clear and tangible picture of what is often referred to as the "talent-gap", i.e. the difficulties in finding and recruiting the right competencies for your business. In order for us to pursue the issue and engage with the relevant authorities and policy makers, we need as much extensive data on these issues as possible. Although the survey's main focus is on local talents, we have also included the option for you to implicate issues with recurring general workers, as well as a few question on the ease of recruiting any type of foreign employees towards the end.

The survey result will be published in a report, and will be the basis for engagement on behalf of our members with various local stakeholders and institutions. We kindly ask you to share your inputs with EUROCHAM Malaysia and Bilateral/Associate Chambers by answering this survey.

All responses will be handled with discretion and details of the respondents or their individual responses will not be shared with any third parties, and they shall only be used to contact you, should you indicate that you would like to be involved with us in trying to bridge the talent gap.

All data collected will be used for research and advocacy purposes only and this is in accordance with data privacy regulation (PDPA & GDPR) of Malaysia.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you for your cooperation.
Email *
Which Bilateral Chambers does your company belong to? *
Is your company a member of EUROCHAM Malaysia? *
Type of Company *
Your designation *
Which sector of industry are you in?
Respondent may choose more than one
How many employees do you have in Malaysia?
The level of difficulty to find local talents for your industry 
In which level of education do you have difficulties in finding local talents?
Respondent may choose more than one
For which positions is it difficult to find qualified local employees?
Respondent may choose more than one 
For your industry what are the hard skills/soft skills that local employees are lacking in?
Are the lack of hard skills/soft skills of local employees hindering/slowing your expansion rate in Malaysia?
How many local employees would you hire today if the right talents were available? 
How many local employees do you expect you would recruit over the next two years time if the right talents were available? 
Based on the number of local employees that you would like to recruit, what would be their main roles in the company?
Respondent may choose more than one 
Does your company conduct any training/education for newly recruited local employees?
Do you collaborate with an educational institution to build/expand your talent pool? 
If yes, who do you collaborate with? (Local Universities, Private Colleges/Universities, Polytechnic, Schools). *
Potential mode of training 
Do you have to cover skills that you would expect the graduate should already have acquired in their formal education?
How difficult is it to attain work permits for foreign talents/workers in your company?
Which categories of foreign talents do you typically hire?
Respondent may choose more than one 
Do you encounter any problems to acquire/renew work permits?
If yes, have the problems escalated over the past years?
Would you like to participate in EUROCHAM's efforts to bridge the talent gap (supported by the Ministry of Higher Education), by partnering up Industry players with Universities/Institutes to streamline upskilling programs for fresh graduates and/or be a part of Internship programs?
If yes to above, please provide your name and email address 
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