Englewood Resident Participation Survey
Dear Englewood Resident,

On behalf of the National Public Housing Museum (NPHM), we are thrilled to share a new project in collaboration with Tonika Lewis Johnson, visual artist, social justice activist, creator of the highly acclaimed Folded Map, and life-long resident of Greater Englewood.

Tonika has a proven track record of generating public engagement through her art and personal history. As a part of her 2021 Artist As Instigator residency at the NPHM, Tonika is launching her latest project, Inequity for Sale, a public art project which will comprise 10-15 life-sized land markers, a website documenting homes, sites and stories, as well as a self-guided walking tour that connects history with present-day conditions in Greater Englewood.

Greater Englewood residents are invited to contribute to the project through sharing your story and the history of your home. In addition to contributing first-hand accounts to the public art project in Englewood, your interview may be archived in the National Public Housing Museum’s Oral History Archive for preservation and use not only by artists, and researchers, but other residents and will help to inform the Museum’s work in creating engaging programs and innovative public policy proposals.

If you’re and Englewood resident interested in sharing your story, or have questions/concerns, please complete this form or contact Tiff Beatty at 312-725-8532 or tbeatty@nphm.org.

Watch the Inequity for Sale virtual launch video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsfwIZxeGCw

Thank you in advance!

Tiffanie Beatty
National Public Housing Museum
Program Director of Arts Culture and Public Policy

Tonika Johnson
Englewood Resident
Visual Artist

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