College Transitions Exit Interview
Exit interview for students completing the College Transitions program at Lawrence Adult Education.
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Your Name (First/Last) *
Today's Date *
Staff Giving Interview *
Mailing Address *
Town *
Zip *
Phone Number *
Email Address
Did you enroll in this CT program one year or less after completing your high school credential? *
Have you had any post-secondary school experience prior to enrolling in this CT program? *
Were you a new Maine resident when you enrolled in this CT program? *
Have you enrolled in a post-secondary school  upon completion of this CT program? *
Do you plan to enroll in post-secondary education within 6 months? *
What school are you interested in?
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What field of study/major are you interested in?
What is the length of the program?
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What steps have you already taken regarding post-secondary education?
Would you like further assistance in transitioning to college/post-secondary education? *
Are you employed? *
Have you entered employment upon completion of this CT program? *
Type of Work
How long have you been at this job?
If you do NOT have a job, are you currently seeking employment?
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If YES, how can we assist you?
Did your parents graduate from high school? *
Did your parents graduate from college? *
Please take a few moments to complete the following questions about the program.
What was your motivation in taking College Transitions classes?
What did you like most about the College Transitions program?
Who or what helped you the most in attaining your goal?
Please tell us about one special memory that you will take away with you from your time with us in adult education.
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