RARE Edinburgh 2024 Preorder
Carly's Heading to Scotland!

If you're going to be at RARE Edinburgh & looking for a signed book, you've come to the right place!

The fine print:
Individual books: £15 GBP
5 book series: £70 GBP
3 book series: £40 GBP
Surprise Play: £10 GBP

Given that I will be traveling from the US, I will have very few books to sell on the day of the event. If there is a book you are thinking about picking up, make sure to order it ahead of time. 

Thank you all! I can't wait to see everyone at RARE!
**This is not a sign and ship form**

Form Closes July 20, 2024
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Finding Home- £70 5 book series, £15 individual book
Undisclosed- £70 5 book series, £15 individual book
Johnson Family Rules- £15 individual book £40 Series
Nashville Grizllies- £15 individual, £55 series
Individual books £15 each
Shorts £10 each
Bookplates? £1.00 each. Please enter quantity requested..
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