Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial informs you that all the personal data have been collected with the goal to inform you about the activities and events that may result interesting to you, being subject to the established warranties on the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU 2016/679 of April 27 2016 (GDPR) and the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, of Personal Data Protection and warranty of online rights. Furthermore, it guarantees the adoption of the necessary measures to ensure the confidencial treatment, integrity and safeguard of said data and informs you of the possibility of exercising, in accordance with said regulations, the rights of access, rectification and cancellation, communicating it in writing to our email address
catedrafarecesdc@uniovi.es or sending a letter to the following address: Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial, Facultad de Economía y Empresa, Avda. del Cristo s/n 33006 Oviedo.”