Orientation Week Registration Form SS 2016/2017
Dear Prospective Erasmus+ / Exchange Student,

Palacký University Olomouc International Relations Office organizes an Orientation Week Programme for incoming international students. The beginning of the programme is always set a week before the official classes begin, i.e. in the summer semester of 2016/2017 the academic year starts on February 13th, 2017, the orientation programme starts on February 6th, 2017.

If needed, please, contact iro.up.olomouc@gmail.com.
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Surname(s) (Family name(s)) *
All of them as in your passport!
Name(s) (First name(s))   *
All of them as in your passport!
Your e-mail address: *
Please mind to put your valid and correct email address, which you check regurarly. The best option would be the one containing your name and surname. And double check the typing mistakes before submiting the form.
Date of Birth *
Home Institution *
It means your school in your home country - NOT Palacký University :))
Country *
Your country of origin. NOT the Czech Republic.
Are you applying for Czech visa or residence permit? *
Students of non-European origin must verify if they need a visa to enter the Czech Republic.If you are not sure pleae check: http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/information_for_aliens/short_stay_visa/list_of_states_whose_citizens_are/index.html Students from EU do NOT need a visa.
Faculty *
Choose the Palacký University faculty you are going to study at.
Date of ARRIVAL *
Please write the date of your arrival to Olomouc. Remember that the OW starts on February 6th, 2017. So you should not arrive much earlier than this. Ideal arrival date would be February 3rd/4/5th, 2017.
I am seriously interested in taking part in the Orientation Week (6th - 10th February 2017) *
I am seriously interested in taking part in the SURVIVAL CZECH COURSE *
4 x 90 minute lessons of the Czech language for real beginners during the OW (6th - 10th February 2017)
I am seriously interested in taking part in the CZECH FOR FOREIGNERS *
Lessons of the Czech language of various levels during the whole semester (13th February 2017 - 12th May 2017)
If YES, what level do you wish to take?
If you are not a beginner, you must take a placement test to know your level. For more information please see: http://kb.upol.cz/czech-for-foreigners/
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