Watson’s Regency Unit 219 Satisfaction Survey
Thank you for staying in our beach home. Your feedback is important to us.
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What was your favorite amenity offered? *
How would you rate the comfort of the bed you slept in? *
How would you rate the general cleanliness of the unit? *
Overall comfort level? *
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your stay? *
Would you stay here again? If no, why not? *
Would you recommend the unit to others?  If no, why not? *
What did you expect that wasn’t here? *
Do you have any suggestions to make this unit a better and more enjoyable place to stay? *
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
If you had a fantastic experience, perhaps you would be willing to leave a 5-star review, mentioning Watson's Unit# 219, on Booking.com or Hotels.com?
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