Residential address (Where you currently reside) *
Please provide the FULL ADDRESS
Your answer
Please confirm you are applying for a Pole Dance Party Hostess with PDPU *
Please select all that applies to your experience level *
Current Place of Employment *
Your answer
How long have you worked here? *
List last THREE places of Employment. Also MUST PROVIDE reason for leaving *
Your answer
What Pole Dance Studio(s) are you affiliated with? *
Your answer
If affiliated with another Pole Studio, describe what about that studio that made you enjoy your association with them *
Your answer
Please rate your skill level in Selling Products and Services *
No Sales Experience
Highly Skilled in Selling Products and Services
How many years of sales experience do you have? *
Have you ever spoken in front of large groups of people before? If so, please describe. If no, please put not applicable *
Your answer
Select Highest Level of Education Completed *
What date/time are you available to work if hired? Check all that apply. *
Check All the Core Values That Resonate with You *
If you were given resources to start your own pole brand, would you be interested in that opportunity? *
We are a SOCIAL COMPANY. This means we are on Social Media and we also share social media assocaitions wih those we hire. Please provide a tag to your Instagram account below.
Your answer
We require a professional resume to accompany your Application. Do you agree to send your resume to: at the time of submitting this form? *
You will have to manually send your resume. You will not be prompted to send in your resume. Failure to follow this step will result in automatic disqualification
What do you believe you will be able to add to our company if hired? *
Your answer
What would you hope to gain from working with our company if hired? *