Shoreline Living Magazine Print Form
Fill out the information below if you are interested in purchasing printed copies of Shoreline Living magazine in bulk.

At this point, we estimate the cost will be $1.50 per copy plus shipping, but we will give you a final cost and allow you to confirm before we place the final order.  

Questions? Contact Erin Fuller, Van Buren Conservation District, or 269-657-4030 x5 (leave a message).
Click here to review the magazine online or print copies on your own: 
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First name *
Last name *
Organization name *
Phone number *
E-mail address *
Shipping address *
Shipping City *
Shipping State *
Shipping ZIP *
Estimated number of copies you would like to purchase (more than 10 copies, please)
We will confirm your final order quantity and cost before placing the order and billing you.
Estimated total budget
Please describe how you plan to use these booklets
General distribution, targeted distribution (to a lake association, e.g.), upcoming workshop, etc.
Other comments or questions
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