Acts Church Testimonies 见证
So awesome to know that God has done something in your life,  and you are sharing so that many will be blessed and encouraged too. Please leave us your contact details as we might contact you to hear further what God has done for you.

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Submitted by 此见证是由谁填写的? *
Enter your name, if you are submitting this testimony on behalf of someone else. Choose "Self", if you are submitting this for yourself. 如果你是代人填写这个见证的话,请写下你的姓名。要不然,请选择 "自己"。
This Is My Testimony... 这是我的见证...
Name 姓名 *
Service Plant 聚会或植堂 *
Email 电邮 *
Contact No 联络号码 *
What is this testimony about? 这个见证是有关于哪个方面? *
Share the testimony/ journal here 写下见证/日记 *
Please share the testimony here in NOT MORE than 500 words. [Quick 3 points: (1) What was the need/ challenge? (2) What did you do? (3) What did God do?] 请以不超过 500 个字写下见证。(1) 这个人面对的是什么问题/挑战?(2) 你有什么行动?(3) 神为你成就了什么?]
A Big Thanks! 万分感恩!
Thanks for sharing and giving God the glory of what He has done. Praying for more testimonies to come. Our God is so good! 谢谢你的分享并为祂所成就的来荣耀神。祈祷会有更多的见证。我们的神是美善的!

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