BEA Innovation Hub Survey
The purpose of this survey is to inform a collaborative research project led by the Black Entrepreneurship Alliance (BEA) and its partners. The goal is to provide valuable insights, perspectives, and recommendations that will inform the creation of a proposed innovation hub in the Jane and Finch (Humber River-Black Creek)/Northwestern area of Toronto. The proposed Innovation Hub seeks to:
  • Address locational and diversity gaps within the business incubation landscape;
  • Build community economic resiliency, prosperity and advancing inclusive economies at a neighbourhood level;
  • Support underrepresented entrepreneurs and professionals (i.e.: BIPOC, women, LGBTQ2+, people living with disabilities and neurodiversity);
  • Normalize the culture of innovation; and
  • Make innovation accessible to everyone
This survey closes on September 1, 2023, at 5:00 pm.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is valuable in helping us shape the programming and services of the hub. Please read the following details carefully before proceeding


  • Please read each question carefully and provide your honest responses.
  • The survey consists of 5 sections: Demographic Questions, General Questions, Built-Form and Programming, Early-Intervention Programming and Experiential Learning, and Final Thoughts 
  • All questions must be answered in order to move to the next section.

  • Your responses will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous.
  • Your individual survey responses will not be linked to your personal identifying information.
  • Any data collected will be used for statistical analysis purposes only and will be reported in aggregate form.

Participation and Data Protection

  • Participation in this survey is completely voluntary.
  • All data collected during the survey will be securely stored and accessed only by authorized personnel.
By continuing with the survey, you are indicating your consent to participate and acknowledging that you have read and understood the instructions and confidentiality statement.

Thank you once again for your participation and valuable input.

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