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Yeshwanth.v *
9868362580Contact No.o9677111319 *
Which among the following is not an example of amorphous solids? *
1 point
Amorphous solids are also known as *
1 point
Which among the following is not true for crystalline solid? *
1 point
Substances that are strongly attracted by applied magnetic field and can be permanently magnetized are *
1 point
Defects in solids can be studied using *
1 point
Which type of solid conduct electricity in molten state but not in solid state? *
1 point
Packing efficiency in body centered cubic structure is *
1 point
Volume of unit cell occupied in face centered cubic arrangement is *
1 point
The radius ratio of body centred cubic structure is *
1 point
Which of the following lattices has the highest packing efficiency? *
1 point
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