Teaching Writing Workshop Series - Fall 2024: Scaffolding Writing Across the Semester
Scaffolding Writing Across the Semester
RESCHEDULED: This workshop will now take place on Thursday, 12 December l 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. 
The Writing Studio

Participants will learn how to use backward design to scaffold writing projects and assignments throughout the semester. In preparation for Spring 2025, they will also have the opportunity to workshop syllabi for courses with writing components. Participants should bring a draft of a spring course syllabus or another syllabus they wish to redesign.

If you plan to attend, we appreciate you taking a moment to let us know to expect you. 
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I plan to attend the workshop on 12 December. *
Your name *
Your email address *
Your Department *
Which course are you currently teaching or teaching next semester? Please note if a W course or a First-Year Writing Seminar.
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