Simple & Season 2022
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me, I really appreciate it :)
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Which of the following best describes you? *
Which of the following are areas of interest/in need of support for you? *
Select all that apply
(Optional) Can you expand on what it is that particularly troubles you about the topics you chose?
Which of the following feel like ways you'd like to receive support this year? *
Select all that apply
Would you prefer an offering that has... *
If you did not purchase Mapping in February, what were the main reasons?
Select all that apply
Where do you enjoy consuming content and finding inspiration? *
Select all that apply
Where do you want to be in one year?
What feels like it's standing in your way?
What do you wish existed for you? What do you crave?
Anything else you'd like to share with me?
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