Nomination Form for President-elect and the International Committee (IC)

Note that members of the IC are elected from MCG members who have participated in at least one previous MCG conference. Nominees for President-elect should have previous experience on the International Committee. For additional information, see the MCG constitution at

Nominations must be submitted before October 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Sheffield at

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Nomination Form for Election as: 
Candidate Name (Family Name, Given Name) *
Candidate Email Address *
Link(s) to Social Media
Candidate's Institution *
Candidate's City *
Candidate's Country *
Candidate's MCG Activities/Experience (max 750 characters) *
Candidate's Research/Achievements in the Area of Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (max 1,000 characters) *
Candidate's Prioritized Goals for MCG (max 750 characters) *
Nominators' Information
Proposer and Seconder must also be MCG members.
Proposer (Family Name, Given Name, Country) *
Proposer Email Address *
Seconder (Family Name, Given Name, Country)
Seconder Email Address
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