Pro-bono office hours - Krishna Murthy
I've committed to set aside 2 hours every week, for mentorship and/or guidance. This is particularly geared towards researchers from underrepresented groups in robotics, computer vision, and AI who would like to brainstorm or seek feedback on research directions/ideas, or on their grad school applications.

Please fill this form in, detailing why you'd like to talk to me. I'll reach out with futher details if I see a good match and have the cycles that week.
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Briefly introduce yourself *
A reasonable template: List your name, affiliation(s), professional interests and/or relevant experience. If you have a webpage, I'd be keen to take a look; please list it here.
What would you like to talk to me about? *
Be as concise as possible, but also offer sufficient details for me to make an informed decision. Make sure to list what kind of support/assistance you're expecting.
Why contact me? *
As opposed to so many others who are more capable and/or established
How may I reach out to you? *
List an email address or other medium by which I can reach out to you, if accepted, to schedule a meeting
Which timezone are you in? *
Helps me in scheduling meetings
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