Growth Groups Evaluation
We hope you had a great experience in our first Growth Group session. This fall we plan to offer another round of Growth Groups, beginning in mid-September. Please help us make our next session even better than the first. 
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How would you rate your overall experience in the Growth Group? *
Not so Great...
What was your main motivation for joining the Growth Group?
Which aspects of the Growth Group did you find most beneficial? (Select all that apply *
On a scale from 1 to 5, how well did the meetings meet your spiritual needs?
Not at all...
Exceeded my expectations.
Do you feel that your Growth Group experience contributed to spiritual growth? *
Not much at all...
Exceeded my expectations.
Did you feel that the Right Now Media content was a helpful springboard for discussion. *
Not much at all...
Exceeded my expectations.
Would you be interested in participating in a Growth Group again in the future?
Very unlikely.
I'm looking forward to it!
Was the duration of your Growth Group (~6 weeks)... *
The group was... *
About how many people were in your group? *
Did you develop new friendship connections through the group? *
Would you recommend participation in a Growth Group to others? *
Probably not.
Do you have any suggestions for improving Growth Groups? 
In a few lines, please share what you enjoyed the most about Growth Groups. 
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