Women's Bible Study: Walking With Purpose
Registration Form - Summer of PEACE
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Hello Friends!
This summer Walking With Purpose, (WWP), will be focusing on the topic of PEACE. Using pre-recorded talks from the National Catholic Women's Conference 2021, we'll be delving into this topic in the hope of regaining our peace so that we may move forward with our mission as Daughters of the King: living and witnessing to the TRUTH within our families, friendships, parish and community at large. All women, from St. Charles and beyond, are welcome and encouraged to attend.

We'll be meeting on four consecutive Monday evenings during the month of June via Zoom. The agenda is to listen to a pre-recorded talk and then have a candid discussion, sharing our thoughts and feelings in a safe and nurturing environment. I'm looking forward to growing in our faith together this summer!

See you soon!

P.S. Please feel free to call or text with any questions: 602-799-6648
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