Quarterly Travel Fund (Standard)
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Email *
Submission round *
Date of submission *
Name *
Institutional affiliation(s) / independent? *
To be eligible for this award you must be a BAFTSS member. Please confirm.
Which of the following best describes your status? *
If you selected "I have limited access to institutional funds", please offer some brief elaboration. Otherwise, type "N/A".
Scholarly event title *
Host institution  *
Event website
Title of your presentation *
Has your presentation been accepted? *
If you answered "no" to the previous question, when do you anticipate learning the outcome?
Have you received funding from BAFTSS in the past? *
If you answered "yes" to the previous question, please summarise the details.
If you are you in receipt of any other research funding to support your attendance at this scholarly event, please provide details, otherwise type "N/A"
Please offer a breakdown of costs. Provide as much detail as possible. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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