Ithaca.Community: What are you looking for in our community?
Ithaca.Community is a new website that aims to assist individuals and families of all composition in navigating the Ithaca terrain. There are beautiful parks to explore, live music to be heard, and wonderful eateries to try in the City of Ithaca.

We would like to hear from you, how you spend your time exploring the city and places you may have not yet conquered and hope to with friends and family. We hope that you share with us what keeps you from trying new places and what you look for in new adventures that you take on in the city.

The city of Ithaca is comprised of people from different walks of life and places of the world. With that said, we would like to capture the voices of as many diverse families that are willing to share their feedback with us. We thank you for taking the time to take this survey and sharing a little piece of you with us.
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What experiences or activities do you like to enjoy while in Ithaca?
What are the first 3 words that come to mind when you describe Ithaca to family & friends who do not live here?
Where are your favorite places to go in Ithaca with your family and friends?
Are there any places in Ithaca that you would like to explore with your family and friends but have not gotten the chance to as of yet? If so, where?
What do you look for in a family-friendly place?
When deciding to explore the Ithaca community with your friends & family, how do you decide where to go? (check all that apply)
Which barriers prevent you from exploring new places / businesses in Ithaca with your friends & family? (check all that apply)
If you were able to search for places to go with your family & friends, which features would you be most interested in? (check all that apply)
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