Join the KBSP Shadow Safeguarding Board!
Please submit this form to join the KBSP Shadow Safeguarding Board.
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Please provide your name *
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What is your preferred way to be contacted?
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Please provide your pronouns (e.g. she/ her, he/ him, they/ them)
Age *
Are you interested in joining the Shadow Board, or do you have one issue you would like to talk about? *
Are you a member of another group or forum? *
If yes, what group are you a member of?
Is English your first language?
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If English your second language, would you like us to provide translation support?
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Meetings are held at City Hall where there is ramp access, disabled toilets, and a hearing loop. We have a non-verbal member who communicates using letter boards or voice tablets. Agendas and presentations are sent in advance to support this member in preparation. They have support workers that attend with them.
Do you have a disability or learning need? *
If yes, what can we do to make the Shadow Board more accessible to you?
What interests you about the Shadow Board?
What issues are important to you about keeping children safe?
Any other information you would like to add
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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