CIS Retreats - Booking Form 2024-25
Kindly fill in the required details in this Form to register your booking for one of the events/retreats listed below organised by the Centre for Ignatian Spirituality (CIS). We will acknowledge your booking by return email.
You can view the details of the events in the PDF Programme.

This Booking Form does not ask for payment since this is to be done upon arrival at the event you book for.
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Email *
Please enter your first name *
Please enter your surname *
Please enter your phone number *
Please enter the number of persons included in this booking (must be less than 6) *
Other persons
If you are booking for yourself alone, please skip this question. If you are booking for others, kindly write their names.
What type of event are you booking for? *
Residential events = sleeping in the retreat house; Non-residential events = may or may not include meals.
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