UW-Madison Physics & Astronomy Graduation RSVP - May 2024
We invite you to join us as we celebrate our graduates on Friday, May 10, 2024 in 2241 Chamberlin Hall!  Here's the schedule for the event:

3:00pm - PhD Hooding
3:30pm - Cookies and ice cream
4:00pm - Undergraduate Ceremony (for both Physics & Astronomy-Physics graduates)

Graduate, families and friends are welcome to join for all or any part of the festivities.  To make sure we have enough seating (and enough ice cream!), it'd be helpful to have you let us know how many will be joining us by filling out the form below. (if you can't attend, no need to fill it out! )  Please reach out to Sharon Kahn (smkahn@wisc.edu) for PhD questions and to Evan Heintz (eheintz@wisc.edu) for BA/BS questions.

To help us with planning, please RSVP by Thursday, April 25th.  Hope to see you there!

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Email *
Name of Graduate (Last, First)  (If you're joining to celebrate everyone - enter "everyone!") *
Degree  (if celebrating everyone, choose which ceremony you are most likely to attend!) *
How many people should we expect (include the graduate!)? *
Who should we contact with additional invitation information? (feel free to enter multiple email addresses)

Name of person filling out this form (Last, First) *
Looking forward to celebrating with you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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