This is the team registration form for the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2021.

(You must register with CinC.org separately, in order to submit an abstract in early April 2021. Please use the exact same details as you do here. We are unable to register you for CinC automatically. )

Please enter your information carefully. We will use it to allow your team to submit entries for the Challenge. By submitting this form, you agree to the Challenge rules. If any team member violates the rules, then your team members may be banned from future Challenges.

You may change the members of your team during the Challenge by resubmitting this form, but all changes must comply with the Challenge rules. These prevent members joining other teams,  among other restrictions.
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Email *
Your name *
We will contact you at the above email address if we have questions about your registration details.
Team name *
Please choose the name of your team. Your team name can be fun but should reflect your research group, institution, or company. Please only use alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers but no spaces, punctuation, or emojis). Please use underscores instead of spaces. If you choose an overly generic, offensive, or otherwise problematic team name, such as "happy", "physionet", "challenge", "cinc", "team" (it's redundant), "ECG_ML_Team", or variations of these, then we may ask you to change it, or create a team name for you from your affiliations. The team name may not exceed 16 characters. This will appear in your abstract and paper, so please choose wisely.
Google Cloud Credits
If you wish to register for Google Cloud credits, please supply the email address associated with your Google Cloud (GCP) account. Only one request per team is allowed. The Challenge Organizers, their employers, PhysioNet, and Computing in Cardiology accept no responsibility for the loss of credits or failure to issue credits. Please note, by requesting credits, you are granting us permission to forward your details to Google for the distribution of credits.
Are you registering a new team, adding a new team member to an existing team, removing a current team member from an existing team, or withdrawing your team? *
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