Nursery Enquiry Form
Thank you for your interest in Bonitots Nursery. So that we can gather more details about what you are looking for, please answer the questions below.

**IMPORTANT: Please note that we are not usually able to offer term time only places**
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
E‑mail *
Contact number *
Child's name *
Child's date of birth *
Parent / carer's name *
Please tick all that apply: *
What is your desired start date? If you don't know the exact date, please estimate. *
Is this date exact or an estimate? *
If it is an estimate, please give more detail here about how flexible you can be:
On the date you hope for your child to start at Bonitots will you be claiming any funding for your child's space? E.g. 2 year funding, 3 / 4 year funding *
How many days a week are you considering? (Please note the minimum number of days is 2 days per week and the minimum number of hours is usually 20 although we can make exceptions for funded children or children where Spanish is spoken in the home) *
Drop off and pick up: What days and times would you prefer your child to attend? Please select "no attendance on this day" if you don't want your child to attend on any given day. (note: please note that we are unable to offer half days for children under two years of age) *
Full day
No attendance on this day
If your preferred days / times are unavailable, are you able to be flexible and opt for other days? *
If you answered yes or maybe to the question above, please give us more information on your flexibility:
We are a bilingual nursery and welcome families with a wide range of linguistic backgrounds. Please tell us here about your home languages (for example "we only speak English at home" or "one parent / carer speaks Spanish to our child and the other speaks Bulgarian"):
Any additional information you'd like us to know?
Kopie vašich odpovědí bude zaslána na zadanou adresu.
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