Describe an inspiring moment that you have experienced with a student.
Your answer
Describe a moment when you helped to contribute to your school community.
Your answer
Describe a moment when you provided support to a colleague.
Your answer
Is there a space where you are sharing your success with your staff and/or colleagues? Does the school community give space for you and others to share their successes?
Your answer
What small moments have you celebrated in your teaching practice during this time?
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What small moments have you celebrated in your own personal art practice during this time?
Your answer
Do you feel your personal art practice inspires your teaching practice (and vice versa)?
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If yes, please explain:
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If no, please explain:
Your answer
Are there any other areas in your life where you are celebrating small successes? Please describe or share.
Your answer
The end of the school year is about celebrating our collective accomplishments throughout the school year. What end of the year traditions does your school usually hold?
Your answer
What is one end of the year tradition you hope to translate into a virtual experience?
Your answer
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