CLT Business Survey
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1. What is the name of your business? (This will be kept strictly confidential and is used for survey administration only.)             

2. What is your business type?

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3. How many employees do you have in Stow            
4. How many of your employees actually live in Stow?    
5. How many of your employees that don't live in Stow have expressed an interest in relocating to Stow?

6. Is truly affordable housing a barrier to recruiting new employees?  

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If No SKIP to Q.13


7.  If Yes, how and to what extent? 

8.  Have you had to provide housing assistance to employees either by subsidising housing or provision of local housing in some form? Please specify.  

The following questions seek to determine, to the best of your knowledge, the number and type of housing that would be suitable for your employees seeking to move to Stow.

9.  How many Studio apartments do your employees need?

10.  How many 1 Bedroom apartments/houses do your employees need?

11.  How many 2 Bedroom apartments/houses do your employees need?

12.  How many 3 Bedroom apartments/houses do your employees need?

13.  Are you aware of Stow CLT? 

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14.   Do you support the CLT goal of providing more truly affordable housing in Stow? 

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If NO end survey, If Yes answer Q 15.  


15.  Would you be interested in joining and assisting Stow CLT

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CLT Membership Application

If yes here is a link to our membership application form:

Membership Application | Stow Community Land Trust | Stow-on-the-wold (

Thank you for your time! Your responses will assist us in furthering the development of more truly affordable housing in Stow for existing residents, future generations, and local businesses.  

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