Oregon Trails Stewardship Opportunities Map
Fill out this form to list your organization on a map of trails stewardship partners working across Oregon with whom interested individuals can volunteer.  This map is being developed in conjunction with the celebrations of the 2021 50th Anniversary of the Oregon Recreational Trails System Act.

See the map in progress: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1HPp050Dtn-icnWEe1_z5wdX9kITU8yFu&usp=sharing

The map will be shared by Oregon Trails Coalition and other partners with messages encouraging trail users to get involved in caring for trails. Oregon Trails Coalition will continue to host the map at oregontrailscoalition.org/stewardship and make updates at regular intervals. Contact Steph Noll steph.noll@oregontrailscoalition.org with questions.

The map is meant to identify and link to ongoing trail stewardship event calendars and/or active organizations as opposed to displaying one-time events.

Fill out the form once for each geographical pin you'd like to add. Pins should be representative of general regions/areas where your group is active, not every specific trail. (But, you are encouraged to use a trailhead of a popular trail or recreation area you care for as your representative pin for the region.)  No need to add multiple pins in the same area/region unless you want the pins to point to different website/ contact information.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name (Will not be listed on map. Will be used as contact for questions or future updates.) *
Your email address (Will not be listed on map. Will be used as contact for questions or future updates.) *
Organization or ongoing stewardship opportunity name as it should be listed with pin on map (e.g. "Trailkeepers of Oregon" or "Smith Rock Spring Thing") *
Map location pin: location that can be pinned on Google Maps that is representative of the general region/area where you have trail stewardship opportunities (e.g. "Smith Rock State Park" or "Cape Falcon Trailhead") If you work in multiple regions and/or have different calendar links and/or contacts for different areas, please submit a separate form entry for each pin you'd like to add.) *
One phrase or short sentence description for map.  Should include types of trails you care for and other information that you deem most crucial. (Eg. "Dedicated group of outdoor enthusiasts who help maintain hiking trails in Hells Canyon and the Wallowa Mountains.") *
Trail stewardship event calendar link for map pin (or website, Facebook page, or other best place for folks to find information about your volunteer opportunities.) If your organization doesn't have a web presence, list "none." *
Contact for map pin (can be email address, name and phone number, or web contact form-- however you prefer for folks to reach out with questions about getting involved in the area.) *
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