Leader in Me Core 1 - SCM Training (Both days)
Thank you all for not only attending, but "being present" and reflective.  We hope that you found the training valuable and we appreciate your authentic participation and vulnerability.  
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Please list your first AND last name. *
Please select the building in which you primarily work: *
Please select your role: *
Have you participated in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People training? *
within the last 12 months
Did you receive the Core 1 Participant Guide/materials? *
How effective would you rate the Core 1 training? *
Highly ineffective
Highly effective
What was your biggest takeaway from the Core 1 training? *
Acknowledging The Leader in Me is SCM's official PreK-12 SEL curriculum and an expectation of all teachers, how prepared do you feel to implement the LiM lessons in your classroom? *
Not prepared at all
Highly prepared
Any other concerns, considerations, or celebrations related to Core 1 would you like to share?
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