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YEAR OF STUDY (EX: 2021-2024)
1. The degree obtained is relevant to real life situations
2. The syllabus and the teaching methodology complimented each other
3. The degree courses offered by the Institution have relevance to requirements of the job market outside
4 The overall teaching and learning process in the Institution has paved way to improvise the skills, concepts, knowledge and analytical abilities of the students
5 .The foundation course papers and the electives are supplementing the core syllabus
6. Add-on / Certificate Courses offered by the institution are valuable ones and they are the need of the hour
7 .Opportunities for internship / student exchange / field visit provided by the institution are adequate
8 .The teaching and mentoring process facilitates students’ cognitive, social and emotional growth.
9 .The grievance redressal addresses the problems of the students on time and the action taken is properly done.
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