Competitive programming survey
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Your current Codeforces rating *
Current struggles *
Please select up to 5 types of problems that you attempted to solve in recent contests but failed to, or ran out of time
Which stages of problem-solving are hardest for you? *
Please select up to 2 items
What or who helps you compete more effectively? *
Which of the following do you need the most? *
What is your main reason for taking part in competitions? *
How much are you willing to pay for a module that requires 20 to 30 hours of work, including feedback from a tutor? (Please indicate the currency.) *
If you are willing to help by answering additional questions, please provide your Codeforces handle
These questions could be along the lines of "Do you study or work?" or "Is there any specific reason why you compete?" I'll contact you via Codeforces messages. You can ask me to stop contacting you at any time.
Any additional thoughts or comments?
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