Private & Semi-Private Training Sessions

This form is dedicated to players who want to elevate their game. 

Coach Jason will work privately or semi-privately with your player and dig into the details on exactly what they need to improve their individual game.

Sessions range in size from 1-4 players.

Ice time is 6:30-7:30 AM on Mondays at PV Arena in Vernon.

If your preference is a semi=private session, then it is on your best interest to supply the players for your session. For example, if you'd like to work with 3 other players to save some money, then find the 3 other players first. It makes the session much more likely to happen.

Price points for the different group sizes are below.

Sessions are paid upfront. No refunds for absenteeism. 

Building belief and confidence,
Jason Podollan

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Email *
Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Parent Contact Phone Number *
Player First Name *
Player Last Name *
Player Date of Birth *
Last level of hockey played *
What you want to focus on *
What type of sessions do you want to particpate in?

Select any that apply.
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Number of sessions you'd like to commit to *
Any questions or comments *
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