ZutGlazz Fine Crystal Stemware Online Order Form
Using this online form you can redeem a prepaid certificate for ZutGlazz Stemware! Please fill in the blanks and submit for proper processing.
A VALID CREDIT or DEBIT CARD IS REQUIRED - But will only charged for applicable taxes & elected Shipping/Processing options. You will NOT be charged for products on your credit card when you redeem a valid pre-paid certificate covering your item.
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Are you redeeming a Pre-Paid voucher?   (We sometimes call them VOUCHERS, PRE-PAID CERTIFICATES, TICKETS, GROUPON, CREDENTIALS etc. These all mean the same thing) *
Please have your credentials handy when entering your order. A credit card will be requested ONLY for shipping, handling and applicable taxes. Thank you!
Was the voucher received as a gift? *
If you didn't buy the voucher yourself, enter YES below.
How many vouchers are you redeeming with this order? *
(Not the number of items or units, but the actual number of pre-paid certifiates you are using on THIS order)
Order Details
Here you'll tell us the details concerning your order, shipping instructions and special requests.
Name on Pre-Paid Voucher: *
First & Last Name on Actual Voucher/Certificate
Is the name on the voucher the same name for the delivery address? *
IF the name on the voucher is different than the SHIP TO name, enter the SHIP TO name below:
(first & name for recipient)
Enter your code from the Flash Site or Prepaid Certificate Here. Once Submitted it Can NOT be returned for refund or credit to the source.
SHIP TO:  (Can not ship to PO BOXES) *
(Street Address: Numbers & Street (not city/state or zip yet)
Please avoid punctuation or abbreviation.
Phone Number (for questions about order) *
EMAIL Address *
We hate spam as much as you do and promise to respect your information.
Product Details
1) A valid credit card or debit card is required for applicable shipping/processing charges plus any applicable taxes.
2) Please double check all of your entries. This data is sent to our carrier directly and is not proof read or double checked by a human for accuracy.
3) Email us to:   care@zutglazz.com any questions. We do not offer telephone support at this time.
4) You will NOT receive an auto reply email or any automatic acknowledgment via email. DO NOT enter a NEW order - doing so will result in duplicate entries and charges placed on your card for the additional orders processing, shipping & taxes PLUS the retail price for any orders after all your certificates are redeemed.

Please select the items you are ordering. (If multiple vouchers are being redeemed select all that apply and INDICATE additional vouchers in notes) *
Only include the products you are redeeming your voucher towards. Add-on items can be ordered separately. Applicable sales tax & delivery upgrades are additional.
(Shipping is offered only to the 48 contigous states + DC)
Please select your delivery option - We can not ship to PO Boxes. Only available in 48 US. Applicable sales taxes are additional. *
(Note times quoted are transit estimates from date of shipping. Please allow sufficient packaging & processing time in addition to freight times) All delivery estimates are subject to limited stock on-hand. Only one method of shipping can be elected per order. Signature on delivery may be required.
Are there any other special instrutions, details or considerations concerning your order?
Please let us know here. Note that not all special instructions or requests can be honored. We will do our best to accomodate your entry here but can not guarantee compliance. For exceptional needs beyond our standard options, please contact us at www.ZutGlazz.com. Unfortunately, telephone support is not available at this time. Thank you!
Credit Card Payment Information *
NAME : As it appears on your card.
CARD NUMBER (VISA/MasterCard/AmericanExpress/Discover) *
Expiration Month *
Expiration Year *
By submitting this online order you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of sale, including but not limited to your express irrevoable permission to charge the credit/debit card account furnished above for any applicable taxes associated with this order and the appropriate shipping option elected. You understand that once submitted the order can not be modified or changed in any way and that all sales are final. *
Please read the above conditions and select the appropriate answer below.
How satisfied with this order process are you?
Extremely Satisfied
Extremely Dissatisfied
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