PSV Volunteer Application
We need a team of friendly, enthusiastic, motivated and committed volunteers to make our competitions the best they can be!

Volunteers will be required for a number of different tasks, including but not limited to music/entertainment, scoring, master of ceremonies, donations, photography and filming. When selecting areas that you wish to be involved in please be mindful that this may change prior to or during events - depending on where we require your services.
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Your name? *
What is your preferred contact number? *
What is your preferred email address? *
What suburb do you live in? *
Your age? *
Do you identify as having a disability?
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Have you previously experienced any other disability sports? *
What department would you like to volunteer in? *
Why would you like to volunteer with us? *
How often would you like to volunteer with us? *
If you would like to volunteer regularly, how long would you like to commit to?
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What relevant skills or experience do you have? *
What relevant education, training and/or certification do you have? *
Do you have a current Working with Children Check? *
Do you have a current National Police Certificate? *
How did you hear about Powerchair Sports Victoria? *
Is there any information or questions you would like us to answer in particular?
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