General Membership Form
Hello! We are so excited to re-introduce AFSA!

Please note that we will be focusing on local programming around New York City. We are hoping to re-create the community we have fostered online and move it to in-person events. If you are within the NY metropolitan aka tri-state area, please sign up using this form:

If you are not within the immediate area, sign up on this form. We will still have some online/hybrid events and we are open to communicate any meet-ups or conferences in your area. 

✨ Please fill out this form with your most recent information ✨
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Pronouns *
Birthday *
State/Country *
Affiliation/School/Institute *
Field of interest/expertise (e.g. Agriculture, Physics, Cancer Science, Virology) *
Position (eg. undergrad, grad student, RA, Prof etc) *
What kinds of programming would you like to see from AFSA? *
Which committee are you interested in joining/working with?
Any notable science/tech/stem achievements or highlights from this past year? (acceptance to grad programs, research proposal acceptances, graduations, etc.)  ❣️ AFSA would love to highlight member accomplishments ❣️
Any speakers/scientists/role models you would love to see at an AFSA event?
Where/How did you find out about AFSA? *
THANK YOU for signing up to AFSA!
We will reach out separately to schedule a short orientation where we share with you more about our mission, vision and the activities we do as an organization!
Facebook: Association of Filipino Scientists in America
Twitter: @AFSAOfficial
Instagram: @afsa.official
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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