Care & Repair: How to Write a Strategy Book

May 1, 2024 / 12:00-1:00 pm PST

Zoom Meeting (link will be provided in a separate email)

UCHRI invites you to join a  conversation with Sarah Federman (University of San Diego), author of Transformative Negotiation: Strategies for Everyday Change and Equitable Futures (UC Press, 2023) and Miroslava Chávez García (UCSB) & Yvette Martínez Vu, authors of Is Grad School for Me? Demystifying the Application Process for First-Gen BIPOC Students (UC Press, 2024).

Transformative Negotiation advances an understanding of power and oppression as core to negotiation, arguing that negotiation is central to social mobility and social change. Bringing theory into action, the book explores the real-world examples that Sarah Federman’s own students bring to class, such as negotiating with courts to get their kids back or with the IRS to reduce late fees.

Is Grad School for Me? is a calling card and a corrective to the lack of clear guidance for historically excluded students navigating the onerous undertaking of graduate school—starting with asking if grad school is even a good fit. This essential resource offers step-by-step instructions on how to maneuver the admissions process before, during, and after applying.

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