Jewish Holidays 5785 (2024)
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Rosh Hashana: Please include the names of all individuals in your party that plan to spend Rosh Hashana (Oct 2nd eve - Oct 4th) with the Fire Island Minyan *
Rosh Hashana (men): Please confirm the number of men in your family/party that you anticipate occupying a seat during services (Oct 2nd eve - Oct 4th) *
Rosh Hashana (ladies): Please confirm the number of ladies in your family/party that you anticipate occupying a seat during services (Oct 2nd eve - Oct 4th) *
Yom Kippur: Please include the names of all individuals in your party that plan to spend Yom Kippur (Oct 11 eve - Oct 12) with the Fire Island Minyan *
Yom Kippur (men): For purposes of counting a Minyan, please confirm the number of men over the age of Bar Mitzva in your family/party that plan to attend Yom Kippur services (Oct 11 eve - Oct 12) *
Sukkot: Please include the names of all individuals in your party that plan to spend Sukkot (Oct 16 eve - Oct 18) with the Fire Island Minyan *
Sukkot (men): For purposes of counting a Minyan, please confirm the number of men over the age of Bar Mitzva in your family/party that plan to attend Sukkot services (Oct 16 eve - Oct 18) *
Simchat Torah: Please include the names of all individuals in your party that plan to spend Simchat Torah (Oct 23 eve - Oct 25) with the Fire Island Minyan *
Simchat Torah (men): For purposes of counting a Minyan, please confirm the number of men over the age of Bar Mitzva in your family/party that plan to attend Simchat Torah services (Oct 23 eve - Oct 25) *
For non-regulars, if you are so inclined, please introduce yourself so we may know who you are
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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