Sophie and Des Gray wedding party planning!
The ceremony will be held privately with a small amount of family: this questionnaire is to gauge interest for the evening celebrations (cake cutting, speeches, first dance, photos, food etc)

South Shields, United Kingdom
Email *
Would You Realistically Be Able To Attend?  Wedding party will be in March 2025 *
What is your preferred name, email address, and postal address/name (if different)!   [This question is required, but if you cannot make it and do not want an invite/holiday cards, then just leave your name please!] *
Are you travelling? From where?  Do you need information about local hotels or BnBs? *
Would you like a plus one? *
 (you can click more than one option! please check "Yes" and include preferred name for invite in "Other!")
 Dietary Restrictions/Allergies? *
Comments and Questions! 
If you need more information about the location and date, please DM Sophie or Des- We are still figuring out some details so we have a location and time in mind but want to solidify that before invites are sent
How did you find this form! *
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