Apply for Sliding Scale Finance Consultation

As part of our commitment to financial inclusivity and empowerment, we are pleased to introduce a 'Pay What You Can' option for a Finance Advice Consultation with Harriet Formby.  More details on the service here: 

We understand that everyone's financial situation is unique, and we believe that quality financial advice should be accessible, regardless of economic background.

How It Works:

We trust in the honesty and integrity of our community. We ask that you assess your own financial situation and consider your access to financial resources, privilege, and overall economic stability. This introspection is crucial in determining if the 'Pay What You Can' option is right for you.

Flexible Pricing

If you find that you are financially constrained and would benefit from our services but cannot afford the full price of £330, we invite you to apply for our sliding scale option. You can suggest an amount that is feasible for you or select from predefined options that consider varying financial capacities. With an option to offer an exchange of services for our community if so desired.

Eligibility Consideration:

Our 'Pay What You Can' model is designed to support individuals who are experiencing circumstances which mean that they cannot afford our standard rates. This includes, but is not limited to, students, individuals with low income, those experiencing financial hardship, or anyone in a situation that limits their access to financial resources and advice.

Application Process: 

To access this option, please complete the questions below. No detailed financial documents are required; however, we appreciate your honesty and openness in this process.

Review Process:

Each application will be reviewed with care and understanding. We aim to provide access to our services for those who can benefit from them the most. Please understand that while we strive to accommodate all who apply, the number of reduced-rate slots may be limited based on availability and resources.

Commitment to Respect and Privacy: 

We assure you that all applications and financial discussions will be treated with the utmost respect, confidentiality, and sensitivity. You can view our privacy policy here. Your financial situation will not affect the quality of service you receive. 

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Email *
Name *
How did you hear about our services?
 Business/Organisation Name  *
Please tell me a little about your venture
Briefly describe your current financial situation. Why are you applying for the 'Pay What You Can' option? Please only share what you are comfortable with.
What specific financial goals are you hoping to achieve with this consultation?
Reflecting on your access to financial resources and privileges, please select the payment option that best aligns with your current situation.  If the listed options are not suitable, please propose an alternative that reflects your current capacity to contribute, whether it's a different amount or a non-monetary exchange of value.
If the suggested payment options are beyond your current financial capacity, we offer the opportunity to contribute to our Get Number Savvy community in a different way. Please describe any skills, services, or resources you wish to offer as an exchange for our finance consultation services. This could range from hosting a workshops for one of our programmes/memberships, or offering another service that aligns with our mission of financial empowerment.
Please confirm that the information provided is accurate and that you are genuinely in need of a sliding scale option to access financial consultation services
Is there anything else you'd like to add? 
Thank you so much for taking the time to complete the questions. I shall be in touch soon, with the next steps, Harriet x

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