Telegram Campaign
Join Telegram Group( ) : 1 stake/week
Wear our Avatar: 5 stakes/week
Add “| Dronair Best Operating For Cargo Robotics Industry” to your telegram name - 5 stakes/week
Posting messages about Dronair other Telegram groups (minimum 1,000 members): 5 stake/post
Posting messages about Dronair in your Telegram group (minimum 1,000 members): 5 stake/post

Telegram Campaign Rules:
Stay in the Telegram group until the bounty is over.
If you add “ | Dronair Best Operating For Cargo Robotics Industry ” to your Telegram username, no other project names in your username are allowed.
Actively participate in discussions on Dronair telegram group until the end of the campaign. Inactive users can get 50% less payrate or can be simply disqualified.
You need to make at least five comments a week. Ask a question about the Droinair, comment on some aspects of the project or talk about other relevant things.
Comments such as "hi", "good project", "very good" and similar will not be counted.
You can promote Droinair in other Telegram groups, but they need to be made in a constructive way, not in a way that might be considered spamming. Deleted messages won’t be counted.

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