ADSE Young Researchers Conference Spring 2023 - Registration
The Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering invites you to the in-person 11th Young Researcher Conference. The YRC conference series is intended to allow undergraduate and graduate students of all backgrounds to learn about cutting-edge research and present their own research results in a specialized conference without the hurdle of expensive registration fees. Students are recommended to attend and present their research in either an oral or poster presentation, but any interested parties are more than welcome to attend without presenting.  

There will be prizes for the best oral and poster presentations. Further, the first 50 undergraduates to register to present a poster will receive FREE POSTER PRINTING (i.e., register ASAP, send us your poster to print, come on the day of event to pick up poster and present!). Deadline to register is May 3rd, 2023.

This event will be held at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX, May 17-19th. More details will follow about parking, travel, and logistics.

The first half of this application is mandatory for submission of an application to the conference. The second half is voluntarily submitted demographic data to better understand our attendees and how to help improve the conference series over time.
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I am a ______
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Email (for updates!)
At the YRC I wish to _____
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Are you interested in attending student lead panels?
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Do you require any disability assistance at the event? *
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What institution/school are you associated with?
Will you be presenting a poster?
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What is the title of your poster?
Please add you abstract for your poster.
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