Expression of interest: Django 6.x Steering Council elections
👋 fill this form if you’re interested in being a candidate for the upcoming Steering Council Elections, or to get feedback on your eligibility as a Steering Council candidate. All submissions to this form are kept private.
  • All fields are optional, if you provide your email only, we’ll reach out closer to the elections to let you know how to proceed.
  • Provide additional details if you want an assessment of your eligibility as a candidate, ahead of the actual elections.
  • You can also fill this form as if it was the actual candidate registration form, and we’ll reach out to you to confirm your interest closer to the elections.
## Eligibility

Candidate requirements can be viewed here: DEP 12 Steering Council Eligibility. Fill this expression of interest form to get an assessment of whether you meet those requirements at this time.

Eligibility terms glossary:
  • Substantive contributions: Contributions that are important / meaningful / significant
  • Django ecosystem: What’s relevant to the Django community beyond Django itself
  • 18 months prior: TBC depending on election dates - count things from May - October 2023 onwards.
  • Django projects: Django core; third-party Django packages; Django websites and apps
  • Major third-party packages: used by other people than yourself and your colleagues
  • Documentation, tutorials or blog posts: has to be related to the Django ecosystem, can be your own blog / book / course / site.
  • Discussions about Django: the mailing list is dead so we’ll also consider other platforms on a best-effort basis (Discord, Reddit, social media)
  • Django-related events or user groups: events / groups relevant to the Django community
  • Engagement with the direction and future of Django: as in participation to the public debate, or contribution to the direction of Django-related initiatives / groups / projects
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Email *
Your Name
GitHub account username
We will use this to check your past contributions (issues, pull requests, discussions, comments) across relevant projects. If you want us to consider to projects in the Django ecosystem that aren’t on GitHub, please add the link to your relevant profiles in the "Social media account URLs" field above.
Code repository account URLs
For other platforms than GitHub. We will share this with voting members, and use this to check your past contributions to major-third party packages in the Django ecosystem.
Social media account URL(s)
We will use this to check your past participation in Django’s development outside of code, and your recent engagement with the direction of Django.
Django forum username
We will use this to check your past participation in Django’s development outside of code, and your recent engagement with the direction of Django.
Website URL(s)
We will use this to check your past participation in Django’s development outside of code, and your recent engagement with the direction of Django.
Personal statement
We won’t use this during the expression of interest. For the elections, we will publish this for voters and publicly.
Bio / Evidence of Qualifications
We will use this to assess your eligibility as a candidate.
Additional private information
Optional – if you want to provide any further information as evidence of your qualifications, or any other relevant information.
How we use your information
Tick any or none as appropriate
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